


  •   If I don't have a bachelor's degree, can I still apply to the program?

    是的, but you will need to meet all the required prerequisites prior to matriculation into the program if accepted. No prerequisite courses can be taken while in the professional phase of the program. A minimum of 90 semester hours of college coursework must be completed before beginning the LMU OTD program.

  •   我是否需要参加研究生入学考试(GRE)?

    Applicants are not required to take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE).

  •   录取程序是怎样的?

    LMU-OTD的职业治疗项目是OTCAS的参与者. 你可以申请 OTCAS in July of the year preceding the date in which you are applying for admission. 完成的申请在收到后会进行审核. Applicants are notified as soon as possible regarding interview selection. 

  •   What part of the application is most important for 招生 decisions?

    All parts of the completed application are given due consideration. 招生委员会会看候选人的平均绩点, 推荐信, 对应用程序中问题的回答, 以及面试评估报告. The 招生 Committee also evaluates the applicant's desire to become an occupational therapist, 学术潜力证明, 动机, 个人的成熟, 自信, 良好的人际交往能力.

  •   如果我没有修完所有的必修课程,我可以申请吗?

    是的, provided you will have successfully completed all the prerequisite courses with a grade of "C" or higher, 总绩点3.数学/科学平均绩点2分.8 by the end of the semester or term preceding your anticipated matriculation, if accepted. Applicants must provide documentation of the plan to complete prerequisite courses, 如果/当被邀请参加面试时.

  •   你们接受OTD项目的学分转换吗?

    No. We do not accept transfer academic credits or experiential learning credit for the OTD program. 不允许先修课程.

  •   What if I have taken courses that are not listed on the prerequisite course list?

    If you have questions, contact the 招生 Department or the Program office at OTD招生@LMUnet.edu or 865.338.5754. 我们很乐意回答您的问题.

  •   跟随职业治疗师需要多少小时?


  •   你什么时候面试申请人,谁可以面试?

    Only applicants who are selected by the 招生 committee are offered interviews. 候选人名单填满后,将提供面试机会. Admitted applicants must have completed all prerequisites before matriculation.

  •   如果我被列入候补名单,那意味着什么?

    Candidates not initially offered acceptance into the LMU-DCOM OTD Program may be placed on the waiting list. The 招生 Committee reviews the application of candidates placed on the waiting list at regular intervals throughout the 招生 cycle and reconsiders an offer of acceptance into the LMU-DCOM OTD Program. These candidates will be notified of final acceptance offers prior to matriculation of their desired cohort.

  •   我可以到LMU参观这个项目吗?

    是的. 我们定期举办项目信息会议. 请随时打电话给我们了解这些课程的时间表, 其中包括课程信息, 招生, 参观设施, 并有机会与教师和学生大使互动.

  •   你们有新生入学指导吗?

    是的; we conduct a new student orientation at the beginning of the program for those students who have been accepted into the program.

  •   在进入LMU-DCOM之前,我需要进行背景调查吗?

    是的, all students accepted into the OTD Program will be required to have a background check prior to being fully accepted into the program. Note that a felony conviction may affect a graduate's ability to sit for the NBCOT certification examination or attain state licensure.

  •   Will I need to have a 药物的屏幕 prior to admission to the OTD program?

    如果被录取进入OTD项目,你将需要有一个 “尿检” 药物的屏幕. Hospital sites during clinical rotation may have additional requirements. Students will be responsible for obtaining and paying for the 药物的屏幕(s).

  •   是否提供经济援助??

    是的. After an applicant is accepted, financial aid information will be provided. 更多资料可浏览以下网址: http://afbr.braendebriketter.com/student-financial-services/index

  •   有住房吗??

    No housing is available to OTD students on the LMU-Knoxville Campus. 社区里有住房. Students will be responsible for their own housing during the duration of the program.

  •   我在这个项目上学期间可以工作吗?

    The OTD program strongly discourages working while attending the program. The OTD program is an intensive didactic and clinical educational program that involves an average of at least 40 to 50 hours per week, 除了学习, 实验室及其他活动. 第三年, students are not allowed to work due to the number of hours required in the clinical setting. Students are not allowed to be substituted for staff at any time during their training.

  •   实地考察教育和顶点地点在哪里?

    Numerous sites for fieldwork education and capstone sites are available throughout Tennessee and the rest of the country. Students can expect to travel to one or more of these core sites during their third year. Students are responsible for their lodging, transportation, and meals.

  •   Will I have any input into where my fieldwork education and capstone sites will be?

    Students are assigned to fieldwork education and capstone sites by the Director of Clinical Education. 学生将参与到这个过程中, 但最终, the Director of Clinical Education will place the student where they will obtain the best experience based on their level of skill and knowledge.